Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero
by Christian Anderson
Mitsubishi A6M5 |

1/48 scale A6M2 Zero is available online from
This is Hasegawa’s Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero Type 52,
built (almost) straight from the box; I added Eduard seatbelts. It was a
fun and simple build.
The cockpit is very nicely detailed; a resin set wouldn’t add enough to
justify the cost. I was very impressed with Hasegawa’s instrument panel
and the decals for the gauges. Gunze Aqueous Interior Green was shot for
the overall inside color, and Testors enamels were used to pick out
details. A wash of Winsor and Newton Oil colour, Raw Umber, was used to
add depth.

Construction was very easy, with only a bit of seam filling and few vices.
The only noteworthy problem was the dreaded wing root gap. I solved this
with a bit of scrap styrene and some sanding. I also tried a bit of Gunze
Mr. Surfacer on a few spots, and was very pleased. It has since earned a
permanent place in my tool box.
The kit was painted with Gunze Aqueous and Testor's
Acryls, using my Iwata SBS side-feed airbrush. The underside was shot in
Gunze Aqueous IJN Gray. To achieve the mottled appearance of new paint
over old on the upper surfaces, Testors Acryl Panzer Schwarzgrau RAL 7021
was shot as a base. The darker green was Gunze Aqueous IJN Green shot
freehand to give a soft edge. The gear bays and the flaps received a coat
of Gunze Aqueous Metallic Green Blue.
Decals are from Aeromaster’s “Zero! Pt.2”, sheet # 48-159. The markings I
chose are for an aircraft from 261 NAG, Saipan, February 1944; Nakajima
built (which explains why you don’t see a shoulder strap on the seat!).
After drying overnight, a coat of Future was shot and an oil wash was used
to bring out the panel lines. Finally, I shot a coat of Testors Acryl flat
clear and did minor detail painting.

The canopy was dipped in future and allowed to dry overnight. I used
Eduards Express Mask, but was not terribly pleased with their performance;
they had a tendency to lift off of the curved canopy sections. I finally
got them to (mostly) stay down long enough to shoot Testors Panzer Green
over black. I doubt I’ll be using or recommending them again soon.
The kit took 2nd in my club quarterly contest the following day.
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Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2003
by Christian Anderson
Page Created 31 October, 2003
Last Updated
17 March, 2004
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