Hasegawa 1/48 scale Argentine
A-4C & P
A-4C and A-4P Skyahwks |
by Piero
Di Santis

Hasegawa's 1/48 scale A-4C Skyhawk is available
online from
Here is the proof that I don’t
only build Harriers.
Hasegawa issued the A-4C and A-4B Skyhawk kits in
1/48 scale, I had no hesitation to start
building a couple of Argentine’s Halcones!
I already had the following
references in my hands:
- Wings of Fame Volume 12
- Warbirds Illustrated N.45
“Argentine Air Forces in the Falklands Conflict”
- SAMI Vol. Sept 99
- SAM Vol. July 02
I knew there were many other
books and magazines especially from argentine
manufacture, but not so easy to obtain.
Some brief notes about
Argentine A-4C and A-4P (Argentine designation for B

Argentina bought 50 ex-US Navy A-4B, at the end
of ‘60s. Those were redesigned as A-4P, including
some modification as separate flap on top the wing
(as on A-4F), navigation system, VOR antenna on
vertical fin, Omega package under the tail, DFA
antenna in a dorsal drop radome and other minor

Following the good results with the A-4P,
Argentina decide to buy other Skyhawks during the
mid of ‘70s, this time 25 A-4C. They were fitted
with the same “package modification” as for the
A-4P, but with a slightly different shape dorsal
antenna radome.
Looking at the 1/48 scale model
scenario, until Hasegawa release of A-4 series (E,
F, C, B, L, H, M, N, K, SU) there were A-4E kits
from Monogram (OA-4M too) and ESCI (they marked an
A-4M but inside there was an A-4E kit) and a 1/50
A-4E kit from Fujimi: best was the A-4E from
Monogram with the usual raised panel lines.
At the time of the Hasegawa kit a new A-4 family
kits was issued by Hobbycraft (E, F, B, C, H, M,
SU), but with wrong noses, flatted canopy, less
details and deep panel lines. Hobbycraft’s kit best
things are the decal multi-options and the stores

Many aftermarket resin and etched set are
available: cockpit and detail sets (Aires, Cutting
Edge, KMC), conversion sets (Cutting Edge, Missing
Link)… and so on.
Same for the decal sheets: Aztec, Condors, FCM,
Aerocalcas, Twobobs, Superscale.
Starting in the cockpit, I used the kit parts
except for the seat and the detail behind (resin
form the Aires set).
Everything is painted in medium grey FS36231 (Humbrol
140), with black console and instrument dials.
Dry-brushing using silver and brown was applied to
simulate the heavy use of those airplanes. Seat is
in the same color of cockpit, with kaki cushion and
red headrest. Yellow-black stripes for ejection
handles. I add a small piece of clear styrene sheet
to simulate the collimator. The main instrument
panels on C and P are different.
For the C model I decided to leave the jet
intakes “clear” so I painted the duct white with
silver palettes fan.
The undercarriage bays and legs are painted in
Light Blue FS35622 (Humbrol 122) for both C and P.
Externally, from the front to the rear I modified
and add the following parts:
Add weight inside the nose (C, P)
Small white fin on the port side of
the nose (C, P)
White antenna blade behind the canopy
(C, P)
Removed light on the port wing chord
Removed lights at the end of the wings
(C, P)
Close external pylon attaching point
Big drop shaped antenna radome on top
of the fuselage: the one on P is bigger than the one
on C. For those parts I used resin pieces from
Missing Link set.
I opened ventral “hell hole” using the
resin panel form KMC set (P)
I split upper flap on wings (C)
Scratch build Omega package under the
tail (C, P)
Scratch build VOR circular antenna on
the vertical fin (C, P)
I added a pair of FOD intakes on the P, using
vacu-formed pieces from a Koster set.

Weapon load is a little bit different:
I used a resin “1000lb free fall bomb”
from Flightpath under the P attached with a TER from
Hasegawa weapon set.
I tried to simulate a PG 500Kg “local
bomb” under the C, starting from a Mk117 bomb.
Two under wing tanks each Skyhawks complete the
Many words were spent on the argentine A-4C
camouflage dilemma:
Light Sand/Dark Brown or Off White/Dark Green?
As reported in various article and forum talking,
the poor quality of the photos in that period (late
spring 1982), most of them in black and white of
over exposed colours, drive many modeler to
finishing the A-4C in Light Sand/Dark Brown upper
camouflage… but official says no one A-4C was
finished in this way during the Falklands War.
So, I used the few clear printed photos available
that show Off-White/Dark Green camouflage as
reference. I matched those colours with FS36495 (Humbrol
147) and a little bit of white. For Dark Green
FS34079 (Humbrol 108). Undersurface are Light Grey
FS36622 (Humbrol 29).

The identification bands on upper wings, vertical
fin, inner pylon external surfaces and tank under
surfaces were painted Yellow, than overpainted with
Turquoise (a mix of Humbrol 48 and 89) scratching
the turquoise leaving coming up the yellow.
For the A-4P I choose a Dark Brown FS30118 (Humbrol
29) and Olive Drab FS34088 (Humbrol 155) camouflage
with Light Blue FS35622 (Humbrol 122) under surface.
Some A-4P received Yellow identification bands on
the upper wings and vertical fin, but on different
position and size compared to the A-4C. Because
those bands were too much “hi-viz” were overpainted
with a very dark brown paint. My A-4P has those bans
overpainted because its represented during the last
days of war.
Heavy use, rain, wind and war operations
weathered the airplanes a lot, dirtying the
camouflage and chipping the paint.
A-4C subject choice is the “C-318” from the IV
Brigada Aérea, showing a red “kill marking” ship on
the port side of the nose, and turquoise Falklands
islands silhouette. I used decals from Aztec and
A-4P is the “C-207” from V Brigada Aérea, with
two yellow “kill marking” ships on the port side of
the nose. I used decals from Hobbycraft, Aztec and
I used my new Nikon Coolpix 5700 digital camera
for the first time. How is the result?
Links and
I would say thanks to Jorge Figari and Alberto
Zanfi for their generous assistance and essential
information to finish these couple of Halcones.
Click the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
Model, Images and Text Copyright
© 2004 by
Piero Di
Page Created 29 December, 2004
Last Updated
29 December, 2004
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