Airframes' new 1/48 scale
Brewster F2A-1
& Model 239 Export
Phil Hale
Brewster Model 239 |

Classic Airframes' 1/48 scale F2A-1 and Model 239 kits may be ordered online from
For a detailed examination of the kit
Jim Maas' in-box review here on HyperScale.
I had the opportunity to build both the Classic
Airframes 1/48 scale American Navy F2A-1 (kit number 4100) and the
Finnish Model 239 (kit 4101) Brewsters. I understand that most operators
did not refer to the aircraft as the Buffalo so I’ll try not to use that
term here.

Jim Maas gave us a good look at the basic kit and all the goodies
provided by Classic Airframes. I won’t go into that here. I will say
that you get a lot for the money and it is well engineered. The scribing
is very nice and it may look a little deep but under a coat of paint
looks very good and holds a wash very well.
Finnish Model 239
I built the Finnish version first and had to learn a few
things the hard way. Sometimes I like breaking new ground and I’m like
most everyone else - I like building the new stuff.
I have included some “in progress” photos to help you in
your building process.
Click the thumbnails below to view larger
One thing to bear in mind with limited run kits - they
all fit a little different. The plastic is softer and as such may be a
little more prone to warping from heat. I had very little trouble with
warping because I had two of the first ones out of the molds. There are
some knockout pin marks in some prominent places that need to be dealt
with first.
There are notches on the inside surfaces of the upper
wing panels. You’ll need to enlarge these. This will allow you some room
to adjust the fit of part D-1. I also cut off the small pin on the
bottom of part D-1. I have included a photo of the two upper wing
panels. One has been slightly enlarged but you have to cut more out.
Test fit this area to ensure a good fit. If you attach this part
incorrectly, it will interfere with the landing gear later on. I
attached Part D-18, engine mount, to part D-12 after completing Steps 2A
and 2B. Photograph attached. The engine mount will not meet part D-12 if
you attach per Step 5. It will be too short. You may want to take some
time and remove the locator lines inside the fuselage. They are really
not needed and it may help to position the engine and gun mounts.

Overall fit is very good, especially for a limited run kit. The forward
portion of the cowl Part A3 will need some sanding to achieve a smooth
surface. I used Part A-4 and faired it in on the underside of the wings.
The Finns did not have the window on the underside of the fuselage. Fit
of part A-4 is fairly good but will require some filler. The fit of the
wings to the fuselage sides are very good but you’ll need to fair in the
front and the rear area.
There are several bulkheads inside the fuselage and these may require a
little sanding to get a good fit. If you test fit and tweak things just
a little you’ll end up with little sanding.
US Navy Brewster F2A-1
On the Navy F2A-1, I had trouble getting the life raft
tube and the roll over bar to fit. Trim the legs of the life raft tube
and both will fit much better. I had to enlarge the opening for the
telescopic sight in the windscreen.
The windscreen, canopy and rear clear parts fit very well. The window on
the underside does not fit as well. You’ll have to sand and test fit.

Take care with the photo-etched bomb fins. The folds are complicated but
the fit well and look great when finished. I painted mine olive drab per
the instructions but I think early Navy bombs may have been painted
yellow or yellow chromate.
The decals are excellent and did not require much setting solution.
Overall, this is a very good limited run kit and is one
that can be recommended even to modelers with no experience on limited
run kits.
Thanks to
Classic Airframes for the sample
Click the thumbnails below to view larger
Lentolaivue 24
Aviation Elite
Units 4 |
Illustrator: John Weal
US Price: $17.95
UK Price: £12.99
Osprey Publishing
Publish Date:
June 25, 2001
Details: 128 pages; ISBN: 1841762628 |
Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2005
by Phil Hale
Page Created 17 June, 2005
Last Updated
17 June, 2005
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