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Roden's 1/32 scale
Fokker Dr.I Triplane

by Marlon Schultz


Fokker Triplane Dr. 1 127/17 (Works Number 1838)

Roden's 1/32 scale Fokker Dr.I is available online from Squadron.com



This machine was dispatched from Fokker’s factory at Schwerin on Oct 29 1917 and as a result of the requirements for a strengthened wing, had it wings replaced in the field probably at Air Field Park IV.

It is not known how long it was out of service, but when photographed in late February 1918 on Phalempin aerodrome when the commander of Jagdgeschwader 1, Rittmeister Manfred von Ricthofen visited Jasta 30 it was still basically in it’s factory finish. The engine cowling had only been painted red at this time and a update to the national insignias had started. A misinterpretation of the painting orders resulted in the overpainting of the white background of the rudder in camouflage leaving a 5 cm wide white border. This treatment should have been applied to the upper wing and fuselage crosses, but not to the rudder which was to be left as delivered, although this rudder overpainting became typical for Jasta 11 triplanes at this time period.

This aircraft later received additional red overpaint as in all struts, wheel centres, top surface of the top wing, entire tail unit along with turtle deck to a point aft of the cockpit. In this later form von Ricthofen used 127/17 to score his 71st, 74th, and 76th victories in late March/ early April 1918.





The model kit I used is the 1/32 scale Roden kit. The top wing inspection panel was modified to more realistically portray this feature.



A written description with photos appeared in the “Rudder Post “ column of “ Windsock International Vol. 22 No.2



Painting and Markings



The triplane’s finish is light green, dark green and dark brown wet blended. Back in the 1980’s Wally Batter presented in the publication “WW1 Aero” a most convincing argument regarding the wet blending of two or more shades or hues on the fabric using the same brush dipped alternately in either colour without cleaning it.

More recently the wet blending of colours on the Triplane was again discussed by Dave Roberts in Windsock International Vol. 18 No. 5 .

I have based my finish on the Robert’s article. Further inspiration was provided by the recent triplane profiles by Ray Rimmel which appear in publications from Albatros Productions I must also give credit to my good long time friend Evelyn Petterson, master photograhic artist who taught me some very cool painting techniques.


This subject of wet blending of colour in the streaky Fokker finish is also discussed in Albatros Productions “Fokker D.VII Anthology 1 “


I used Cutting Edge Modelworks “The Baron’s Tripes” for the decals on this model. These decals are most complete. I did find a couple of minor errors in details, but a quick check with Alex Imrie’s “The Fokker Triplane” corrected them.

I used etched gun jackets and seat belts by Toms Modelworks.

Images Copyright © 2006 by Marlon Schultz
Page Created 05 July, 2006
Last Updated 05 July, 2006

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