Hasegawa's 1/48 scale
F-16D Block 40 Barak
Piero De
F-16D Block 40 Barak
Scorpion Squadron |

Hasegawa's 1/48 scale Harrier
GR.7 is available online from Squadron.com
The IDF F-16D entered service in
1983 together with F-16C. These were Block-30 aircraft.
A lot of modifications were done
compared to USAF’s F-16Ds.
- New Israeli
RWR-ECM war package.
- Big dorsal
- Extended
tail spine.
- Provisioning
for Israeli’s weapons.
After some years, Israel
acquired a new batch of F-16C/D, this time were Block-40 aircraft.
Block-40 are specifically
optimised for night operations, and includes some modifications compared
to the Block-30:
- Modified
cockpit with a new rear HUD repeater screen.
- Black
coloured cockpit tub and seats with new lights for night operations.
- New big
undercarriage wheels, legs and bay doors.
- Two chaff &
flares box instead of three on each side of dorsal spine.
- New big
intercooler intake on the port side.
For my model I choose the 619
from the Scorpion Squadron, based at Haztor AFB.
Is has a big scorpion squadron
badge applied on both side of the tail fin.
Modeling the F-16
There is almost everything on
the F-16 in all the three main scale 1/72nd, 1/48th and 1/32nd: kits,
decals, resin detail sets, photo etched sheets, conversion sets…
Looking only at the 1/48th
scale, I choose the Hasegawa kit: you can find so many different variant
and boxes from Hasegawa, A, A+, B, B+, C and D of different blocks (30,
40, 52).

But, as for many other kits, not
everything you need is in the box and for the Israeli’s D you need all
the parts listed before: Hasegawa made a limited-edition box of the IDF
F-16D with a resin dorsal spine and other minor antennas parts, but not
with the right-looking for me and many details missing.
It seemed very
strange that Hasegawa put the name “F-16D Braaket” on the box. This is
not correct because the Israeli name for the F-16C/D is “Barak”.
Other F-16’s kit in 1/48th
came from Academy (a simplified copy of Hasegawa), Italeri (cheap),
Revell (Italeri re-boxed), Heller (idem), ESCI, Tamiya, Monogram,
Hobbycraft, Arii, Otaki… no comment, go with Hasegawa.
The 1/48th scale
“Hasegawa” F-16D has many parts in common with the other Hasegawa F-16’s
boxes, with some extras to build a D version not referred to a specific
To improve the D version I got
some extra parts from the aftermarket and from other kits:
- Black Box
resin cockpit for F-16D.
- Cutting Edge
resin big mouth intake.
- Cutting Edge
resin dorsal spine.
- Shull-24
resin GE exhaust nozzle.
- Aires resin
main wheel bay.
- From Eagle
Design’s conversion set I got all the ECM/RWR bulges and antennas
plus the four big squared antenna’s boxes.
- Because the
Israeli’s F-16 use to carry the enlarged 600 gallon fuel tanks
instead of the standard 300 gallon fuel tanks, I found a pair of
this plus the correct wing pylons in the F-2B Hasegawa kits. This
kit contains also the correct wheels and legs for block 40, plus
many other detail parts.

Now some information related to
the assembly of the Hasegawa kit.
- Cockpit
resin set must be sanded a lot before placed inside the fuselage
- A 10 grams
weight must be placed into the nose to avoid a tail sitting model.
- The resin
seamless resin intake needs some dry-fitting testing. The engine-fan
duct can’t be used together with the resin wheel bay. I decided to
short the resin duct.
- Wheel bay is
easy to fit inside the lower part of the fuselage.
- Join the
wings with the fuselage was the biggest task for me building the
kit… I can’t found a way without using an amount of Tamiya
bi-component filler.
- I scratch
build the enlarged pre-cooler intake.
- The resin
dorsal spine needs to be removed from a long block of resin. Pay
attention to this step for your health.
- I decide to
use the kit vertical fin instead of the resin one.
As I said before, many details
were added to obtain a block 40 aircraft replica and some panel lines
were corrected too.
painted my model using my Aztek double-action airbrush.
Instead of following the
Hasegawa painting guide for the camouflage pattern I referred to the
marvellous Isradecal book covering the F-16C/D “Barak” in Israeli
The colours are:
- Sand
- Tan
- Pale Green
- Light Ghost
Grey (FS36375).
I use acrylic paints from Gunze.

Pre-shading and post-shading as
usual for my models.
I spayed some clear smoke along
the panel lines.
Hasegawa's kit decals
are too thick and colours are wrong… white is not “white”… looks more
I got the decal sheets for
“F-16C/D Barak” by “Isradecal”, very thin and correct.
I sprayed a cote of clear gloss
from Tamiya" to prepare the model for decaling: I do not use “Future”
anymore over the Gunze colour because they “cracked”.
Those decal are very thin with
no silvering at all. "Microscale" Set/Sol were used to apply decals.
To finish a cote of clear gloss
from Tamiya and then a flat clear from Gunze.
Weapons and Ordnance
To load my F-16D I got a
Litening laser pod from a Hasegawa AV-8B kit and pylon came from
Hasegawa modern weapons set.
I added an asymmetrical
configuration with a GBU-16 LGB and a JDAM.

AIM-9M infra-red missile at the
wing tip rails.
Another fuel tank was added
under the belly pylon.
Books that can be recommended
for references are "Isradecal F-16C/D" N°4 and some "World Air Power
Journal" back issues.
Specific information, support
and references on can be found on the web as F-16.net website.
Click the thumbnails below
to view larger images:
Modelling the Harrier I
and II
Osprey Modelling 1 |
Author: Glenn Ashley
US Price: $17.95
UK Price: £12.99
Osprey Publishing
Publish Date: September 25, 2003
Details: 80 pages; ISBN: 184176647X
Model and Images Copyright 2006 by
Piero De Santis
Page Created 08 February, 2006
Last Updated 21 February, 2007
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