Classic Airframes' 1/48 Scale
F-5B Freedom Fighter
by John
F-5B Freedom Fighter |

Airframes' 1/48 scale F-5B Freedom Fighter is available online from
For a look at the contents of
Classic Airframes' 1/48 scale F-5B Freedom Fighter,
see the in-box
review elsewhere on HyperScale.
The Nato Allies version of Classic Airframes F-5B features the markings
of European NATO air forces, namely Spain, Greece and Turkey.
As has been said in other reviews of this kit, the kit features
cleanly molded and crisply detailed plastic parts, and some really
outstanding resin details - the cockpit is most impressive.
Construction is very straightforward, after the requisite cleaning up
of resin pour stubs and removal of ejection pin marks.
The cockpit, as stated before, is very impressively detailed and fits

The front instrument panel fits flush with the forward coaming when
it should actually tuck underneath. I didn't think this was a big enough
issue to mess with, as the finished product is impressive enough, but
I'm sure the true aficionado will correct this.

The parts fit is very good which allows rather rapid assembly. The
wings are simple affairs, and the stabilators are single-piece
assemblies. The landing gear is interestingly engineered to simply drop
in place and glue, but effectively detailed. The droppable speed brake
is a nice touch, with nice detail on both the brake as well as the
fuselage recess.
The canopies are clear enough, but a dip in Future improved them quite a
bit. The windscreen will need some filling to amend the gap between it
and the fuselage recess. I used multiple applications of thinned Krystal
Kleer smoothed out with a wet cotton bud. The instructions are a bit
nebulous with regard to the exact positioning of the canopy hinges, but
a quick glance at some photographs put me in the right ball park.
I liked the stark attractiveness of the Spanish bird, despite my
usual aversion to metal finishes.
I used a combination of SNJ and Testor's Metallizer to finish the

decals (multi-lingual!) are nicely printed, but the candy-stripe pitot
decal was a bugger to apply.
I finally attached one end of the stripe with a dot of superglue,
then wrapped it around and applied another tiny droplet to attach the
other end.
A little finessing here and there, a dab of Super Set, and it was a
done deal.
Classic Airframes' F-5 series are nice, relatively simple models that
really show off the reason for the use of multi-media parts to achieve a
superior level of detail. I would recommend this kit to any jet fan who
wants to take a stab at a multi-media kit.
Click on the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2004
John C. Valo
Page Created 12 July, 2004
Last Updated
12 July, 2004
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