I wanted this kit to be an easy, non-complicated
build after building a Italeri F-22 (NIGHTMARE)!
The kit is therefore built pretty much straight out
of the box with the only thing being added was the brake lines on
the Main landing gear and the aftermarket decals. Tamiya's kit is
lovely and goes together easily with only a tiny bit of filler.

The canopy was dipped in future for added clarity. I
also drilled out the end of the exhaust stacks.
painted my Mustang using Testor's and Humbrol Enamels in the British
temperate camouflage scheme. All metallic areas were painted using
Testor's metalisers.
I coated the model in Future then applied the decals using Future
as a setting and solvent solution which worked brilliantly.
I used Aussie Decals' 3 Squadron Mustang decal sheet with the
distinctive southern cross markings for the rudder which is a
tradition that is continued today with 3 Squadrons F/A-18's.
After a little weathering using pastels and water paints, the
whole model received a coat of Humbrol Matt Coat. I also did a
little dry brushing on the leading edges to give a worn in look to
match the spinner. The Spinner was first painted using aluminum
plate metaliser, then coated in future.
After painting the final colour of insignia red, I used normal
full tack masking tape to rip some of the paint off to simulate the
look of peeling paint.
I added a few little paint chips on random panels.