This is Blue Max
Models Limited Production kit of the Pfalz D-12, corrected to make
an accurate D-XII.
The Fuselage as it comes from the kit
is heavily molded, but accurate in outline. A Dremel was used to hog
out the heavy plastic inside the halves to thin the plastic to a
more workable level, and also so the White-metal kit Bulkheads would
fit correctly. The two side Cowl panels were removed entirely, then
thinned, and the engine area was thinned out also, as I was not
going to use the kit engine, but rather a modified Hi-Tech Mercedes
160HP Engine.

The lower Fuselage is molded intact with the Lower Wings, so the
wings were cut at the join line so the rather substantial seam along
the bottom of the wing fillet/ fuselage join could be filled and
sanded easier. Rigging and Control Line holes were marked out and
drilled out at this time, and the Cabane Strut locations were marked
and drilled, as these were lost when sanding the Fuselage seams and
preparing for assembly. A set of drawings by William Wylam was used
for reference. Cockpit interior was done from Scratch, with
Copperstate Models gages and seat belt buckles.
Upper Wing was used as is, just cleaned up by sanding down the
molded in rib tapes, and thinning of the trail edge to a more
acceptable thickness. The Lower Wings, now two pieces, were drilled
out for brass wire spars, going through the Fuselage underneath the
floor, and attached to Fuselage. The kits strut holes did not line
up with the drawings I had, so they were filled and sanded with CA
glue, and new strut and rigging holes drilled with a #80 drill, with
a .030 bit for the strut holes.
New N Struts were made from Strutz to replace
the poorly fitting and cast white metal N Struts and Cabane Struts
that were supplied. Aileron Control Horns were made from .020
plastic as the kit’s were unusable.
Tail Surfaces
Same as the wings, sanded down the heavily molded rib tapes and
thinned trail edges, as well as cut Rudder and Elevators loose from
the Fin and Stabilizer. Control Horns made from .020 plastic, kit
horns were way to thick and clumsy. Fin outline was corrected
according to drawings.

Brass wire was used in predrilled holes for hinges and locating pins
to the Fuselage. Fin is spaced from Fuselage ½ scale inch like the
original. The gap is supposed to be there.
Landing Gear
The White-metal struts and plastic
Crossbar were used from the kit, but I reshaped the ends of the
struts and used brass wire in drilled holes for locating pins, the
heavy cast pins were too thick for my taste. Kit white metal wheels
were replaced with resin cast copies of wheels from a DML Fokker
D-VII. Bungee shock cords simulated with thread.
The kit Engine
was discarded in favor of a Hi-Tech Mercedes 160HP Engine. The
camshaft was modified for accuracy, and bits of guitar string was
used to simulate Valve Springs. Rockers are strips of .010 x .010
Evergreen Strip.

The kit Exhaust Manifold was used, altered in shape to fit the
Hi-Tech Engine, and drilled and hogged out on the end to open it up.
The kit Prop was dumped for a hand carved Prop from Copper State
Models. Copper Screen was used to make a Radiator inside the
Shutter. And the kit’s White-metal Shutter was polished and
clear-coated for a natural aluminum look.
Machine Guns
These are
a combination of scratchbuilt Breeches and Cooling Jackets from Foto-Cut.
Final Assembly
model was jigged for alignment and Struts cut to fit the jigged
wings to ensure alignment. Five Minute Epoxy was used to glue Struts
in place, then Cabane Struts were cut and fitted one strut section
at a time, then removed, joints filled and reinforced with CA,
painted and installed. Rigging is Invisible Thread monofilament,
CA’ed into the predrilled holes and tightened with a hot pin held in
a pin vise.
Lozenge Decals are
from Techmod, laid on with individual strips after model was
overcoated with Future for a primer. Rib Tapes are individual strips
laid on one at a time. 5 days were spent just decaling. National
Insignia are home made decals, as the kit Crosses were to thick to
The Fuselage was painted with custom mixed
Model-Master Enamels, to represent the D-12 on Display at the
Champlin Air Museum in Arizona. This aircraft is an original D-12
and was used in many movies in the 30’s, including Dawn Patrol with
Errol Flynn.

After completion, the model was lightly oversprayed with Dullcote to
tone down the gloss for Scale Effect. The base is a scan of the
decal sheet, enlarged and printed on label paper, and applied over
1/8" plywood.