Dragon +
Trakz 1/35 Sherman III
"The George"
Jay Laverty
Sherman III
Royal Wiltshire Regiment, Syria 1943 |
A lovely day for a parade
After the beating they took at El Alamien, the Royal Wiltshire
Yeomanry urgently needed a refit. They had lost most of their armour in
this hard, desperate battle, so they replaced their remaining M4A1’s
with a wide variety of M4A2’s. The Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry offers the
modeller a bountiful selection of subjects without repetition.
In an effort to show that they were indeed back up to strength, a parade
was planned for the newsreels and the Yeomanry decided to make a show of
it. In one of my favourite displays of typically British character, each
tank was named after a local pub or village.

What truly inspired me to do this project was the unique camouflage
scheme as well as the fact that I don't remember ever seeing this
configuration of Sherman III modelled before.
The Models
Several sources were tapped to build this model, with Dragons M4A2 76
forming the basis donor kit. The conversion comes from Trakz with other
contributors coming from Academy, AFV Club, Tamiya, Italeri, and
Accurate armour to name a few.
I do not need to go into detail describing the Dragon kit as most are
well aware of it’s high quality even if there are one or two slight
issues with the turret details I still feel it is one of the best
Sherman kits around.
The Conversion
The Trakz M4A2 early conversion is a nicely cast resin kit, although
the hatches leave a little to be desired. The interior detail on them is
downright poor. Other than that however the rest of the conversion is
full of detail and certainly captures the essence of the M4A2.

the thumbnails below to view larger images:
I sourced several components from kits that have had parts
persistently pilfered in the pursuit of previous Sherman projects, and
if I could throw another “p” word in here effectively I would. Wheels
came from Academy’s M-10 Achilles, as did the pioneer tools, Tamiyas M-4
early surrendered its mudguards, and AFV Clubs Achilles gave up its
drive sprockets.
Several detailing sets also played a role in the model, as Eduards M-3
Grant etched set came in handy for the stinger disguise rails, and the
general Sherman detail on Abers M4 etched set were used for the common
details. Karaya provided some of my favourite details on this model as I
was very impressed when I first saw their rendition of Browning machine
gun barrels which in my opinion have greatly improved the finished
appearance of the model.

Accurate Armours Trackpax were used for the T-61 British Chevron track
and as usual were very easy to use and look excellent once on the model.
I also used AA’s PoW (Petrol or Water) cans as they fit the Eduard M-3
etched sets stowage rack that sits on the front fender.
A mixed bag of tricks
it came to painting the finished piece I used a combination of paints as
my usual choice in Xtracolor does not produce Terracotta and I used Mike
Starmers recipe to create the colour using Humbrol.
My trusty Aztek wasn't overly thrilled with spraying Humbrol and was
very happy to return to its usual Xtracolor.
Luckily the newly released Caunter scheme Light Stone ( X821 ) provided
the base, and any over spray from the very heavy Humbrol was easily

After glossing and decalling the model was washed with Winsor and
Newtons oil Raw Umber, and this was followed with Gunze Sangyo’s oil on
the engine deck.
This was then matted down and the final touches applied with CMK’s
Stardust weathering pigments. Here and there an HB pencil was used for
paint chips.
Acknowledgements and Sources
Thanks go to...
it came to the research on this model my friends Peter Brown and Ken
Jones were instrumental in providing me with all of the documentation
and images I would need to create an accurate representation and any
mistakes are due to my oversights of the vast array of information
provided by these two chaps.
Ken even went as far as producing the decal sheet for the tanks name
and divisional insignia and the markings on the tank, aside from the
registration, are the result of his abilities on his computer graphics
Where it all came from
The Trakz conversion came directly from the VLS corporation and can
be ordered from their web site. Accurate Armour’s Trackpax and POW cans
can be purchased from their excellent web site.
The rest came from Hannants and can be purchased from their web site
including CMK’s stardust as well as Aber and Eduard photo etched parts.
Winsor and Newton's oils will need to be acquired from a local art
For a complete build article keep an eye out for an upcoming issue of
Military Modelling in which this article will appear in its entirety.
Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2005 by Jay Laverty
Page Created 02 April, 2005
Last Updated
01 April, 2005
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