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Scratchbuilt 1/18 scale "Top Fuel"
Drag Racing Motorcycle

by Jimmy Cancino


"Top Fuel"
Drag Racing Motorcycle

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I haven't sent in any submissions in a while now...mainly beacause I have been working on a model project for the past 18 months. So here it is!



It's a "Top Fuel" category drag racing motorcycle, pretty much scratchbuilt from styrene, steel, aluminium, resin and brass for all but the front fork/wheel assembly (which was modified from a Tamiya kit)... The bodywork is in styrene and the massive rear tire is in resin...and those pulleys were turned and hand carved in my Dremel tool...I since then purchased a Sherline lathe setup.

There is over 500 hours of work in there.


It has won the "Best in show", "Best motorcycle", "Best engine" and "People's choice" awards at last November's "Globe 25 Grand National model contest" in Montreal, Canada.

I am now currently working on a 1/87 scratchbuilt ship (a 165 ft freighter) ...you're going to love this one ! Weathering and all...should be done by January 2006


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Click on the thumbnails below to view larger images:

German Jet Aces of World War 2
Aircraft of the Aces 17
Author: Hugh Morgan, John Weal
Illustrator: John Weal
US Price: $19.95
UK Price: £2.99
Publisher: Osprey Publishing
Publish Date:
 January 15, 1998
Details: 100 pages; ISBN: 1855326345
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Buy it from Osprey Publishing

Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2005 by Jimmy Cancino
Page Created 07 December, 2005
Last Updated 08 December, 2005

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