Eu-II's 1/72 scale
Type A Midget
Chris Wauchop
Type A Midget Submarine |
images by Brett Green

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Here is Chris Wauchop's
1/72 scale Type A Japanese Midget Submarine by Japanese company Eu-II.
Chris built this model on commission, finishing less than a month since
he completed Special Navy's 1/72
scale German Type XXIII U-Boat.
This model is much
smaller though!

Eu-II's Midget Submarine
is presented in injection moulded plastic. The styrene is of reasonable
quality, but there is a bit of flash to clean up before construction may
Building the kit was
fairly straightforward, but the instructions were a little hard to
follow in places because the text and captions were entirely in

The only real challenge
was the parts breakdown of the hull. The hull is split along the
centreline, so perfect alignment and careful sanding was required to
ensure there were no visible seams or gaps.
The completed model was coated with Tamiya X-18
Semi-Gloss Black, with a bit of Tamiya XF-64 Red Brown added.

Weathering comprised XF-64 for rust, with vertical
streaking using Flat Back and XF-64 Red Brown.
The counter-rotating screws were painted with Tamiya
X-12 Gold enamel, then shaded with X-18 Semi-Gloss Black.

The stands were finished to represent concrete. A base
coat of XF-55 was shaded and streaked with Black/Brown (a 50/50 mix of
XF-1 and XF-64), and straight Red Brown.
Click the
thumbnails below to view larger images:
Kriegsmarine U-boats
1939–45 (1)
New Vanguard 51 |
Author: Gordon Williamson
Illustrator: Ian Palmer
US Price: $14.95
UK Price: £8.99
Osprey Publishing
Publish Date:
May 25, 2002
Details: 48 pages; ISBN: 1841763632 |
Model by Chris Wauchop
Text Copyright © 2005 by Chris Wauchop and
Brett Green
Images Copyright © 2005 by
Brett Green
Page Created 23 November, 2005
Last Updated
02 December, 2005
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