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Alanger's 1/48 scale
Yakovlev Yak-7V

by Marco Bossi


Yakovlev Yak-7V
1st Fighter Regiment “ Warshaw “ Grigorjevskoje, winter 1943 – 44


Special Hobby's 1/48 scale Macchi C.200 is available online from Squadron.com



Here is my Alanger 1/48 scale Yak-7V.

The wing/fuselage joint in the ventral part demands much putty.

Air inlet radiators to the wing root are elliptical - they must become rectangular!

I made the following additions and corrections:

  • closed the hatches after to have it partially shortens them you to the aim to leave to exit the hydraulic actuators then skratchbuilt the skis



  • added to the shock-absorber of reinforces that they fix it to the skis

  • modified the shape of the skis, rounding off the part in relief.

  • added to a cable that from the undercarriage door to the skis

  • added the step opened in fuselage and the step to the wing

  • added the landing gear in/out announcers on the wing

  • added the actuators on the ailerons

  • constructed air inlet to the right root and the air inlet one over the left root

  • added to the coaxial gun (syringe).

The engine cowling: must be trimmed, in particular the radiator under the nose.

The cockpit will be improved with the addition of some tubular structures lacking; and the seats need head rest and straps.



Propeller must be reshaped and rounded off in tip.

From the photos in my possession I have chosen the version with ski, coaxial gun, cowling lacking in armament.

I used dark green TAMIYA (XF 27), light blue the TAMIYA (H23), dark green GUNZE (H73). Hand of I polish and application of the decals (fine and join well) with usual solutions. For weathering I have employed chalk drawing powder , pastel powder.

The final flat coat is from Vallejo.


  • Squadron Signal Publication nr. 78 “ Yak Fighter” in action pg 25

box courtesy by Amv – Lilliput model club


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Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2006 by Marco Bossi
Page Created 21 December, 2006
Last Updated 20 December, 2006

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