P-51D Mustang
Tony Bell

P-51D Mustang |

1/48 scale P-51D Mustang is available online from Squadron
This is the 1/48 Tamiya
P-51D. Now almost 8 years old, the P-51D was one of the first of the "new
generation" of 1/48 aircraft from Tamiya.
The kit cockpit was tossed in favour of the True Details resin
replacement, which was further detailed with the Waldron placard set. I
actually preferred the kit instrument panel over the resin one and so used
it instead with punched out decals for the gauge faces. To the seat I
added the diagonal side braces from strip styrene, while the radio was
detailed with some fine wire.

Click the thumbnails below to view larger
The kit sliding hood has
an intensely annoying sprue attachment point on the clear portion that is
next to impossible to remove cleanly. I got around this by using the
Squadron vacuform replacement.
The interior framing was
vacuformed by taking a male RTV cast of the inside of the Squadron canopy,
using this to make a plaster of Paris female mold which was used to
vacuform the interior canopy shape. The frame was then cut out of this,
painted black and attached to the inside of the squadron canopy with white
glue. I drilled a small hole in the canopy to accept the antenna wire,
which was threaded with a small tensioning spring wound from armature
I have since been told by
someone who know his stuff that 8th AF Mustangs did not have this antenna,
and a close look through my references bears this assertion out. Oh well,
it still looks good.

The landing gear oleo cylinders were replaced with polished aluminum
tubing and brake lines added from wire. The small red tie down rings were
also made from wire and glued to the inboard ends of the axles. The shiny
reinforcement strip on the inner gear doors is Bare Metal foil. The wheels
were replaced with resin ones, again from True Details.
The fuselage received minor attention in the form of drilled out oil
cooler vent panels up at the nose (an exercise in tedium, if ever there
was!) and stretched sprue radiator outlet flap actuators.
The whole model was rubbed
down with 1500 grit sandpaper and liberal amounts if water. The tail was
masked and painted yellow and sprayed with Future. The flaps and ailerons
were masked off and the wings painted with a mix of silver and gray.

The control surfaces were
then painted with SnJ and polished to a high shine with the SnJ aluminum
powder. Some panels were masked off and buffed with powdered pencil lead
to darken them.
The yellow tail was masked
off and the fuselage was sprayed with SnJ, which was gently buffed with a
clean cloth. The anti-glare panel, red nose, wing stripes and wing tips
were all masked and sprayed.
Click the
thumbnails below to view larger images:
Model, Images and Text
Copyright © 2003 by
Tony Bell
Page Created 22 February, 2003
Last Updated
17 March, 2004
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