Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-0
by Francisco Carlos Soldán

Focke-Wulf Ta 152H-0 |

HyperScale is proudly supported by
Ta 152 H-0 “13 Black” . piloted by Willi Reschke,
Stab /JG 301, Stendal, Germany, 14 of April of 1945.
Willi Reschke belonged to the last generation of aces
of the Luftwaffe. His career started as a fighter pilot with 1./JG 302 in
June of 1944, near Vienna. He gained his baptism of fire during the great
air battle over Hungary on 2 July 1944, when the US 15th Air Force sent
712 heavy bombers and 300 escort fighters against Budapest.

During the prolonged fight, Bf 109s, Bf 110s and I
410s Hungarian Germans and destroyed 57 American aircraft: 8 demolitions
conducted by Me 410 of I./ZG 76, twelve by the Hungarian group denominated
Puma and 16 by I/JG 302.
Unteroffizier Willi Reschke obtained his two first
victories by downing two B-24 Liberators. This started a successful run of
aerial victories while he was with I/JG 302.
In the spring of 1945, Reschke was transferred to the
Stab/301, which was equipped with new Ta 152. Flying this machine, Reschke
shot down a Tempest piloted by Warrant Officer O.J. Mitchell, of 486
Squadron on 14 April 1945. On 20 April, Reschke was awarded with the Cross
of Horseman for his 25 victories. Four days later, five Ta 152s were
surrounded in a dogfight with a formation of Yak-9s. Reshcke destroyed two
of them, being his two last victories, and losing the group a Ta 152.

Willi Reschke survived the war with a total of 27
victories in approximately one hundred battle, and still lives today.
The Focke-Wulf Ta 152
Spurred by the search for a high-altitude fighter to
counter the threat of Allied bombers, the Luftwaffe, and Focke Wulf,
decided to modify the excellent design of the Fw 190D-9 and to install the
fabulous Jumo 21E liquid cooled motor with a three speed, two stage
Although externally similar to Fw 190D, the wings,
the unit of tail and a cabin pressurized for the high-altitude flights
were modified widely. With these benefits, the Ta152 obtained a top speed
of 765 km/h at 12,500 meters. This was considered to be almost the fastest
speed possible with a piston engined aircraft (800 km/h).

Its armament consisted of two 20mm MG 151 cannon in
the wings and a single MK 108 of 30 mm through the spinner. It is reported
that Kurk Tank, the designer of the Ta 152, while proving one of the
prototypes in flight, was engaged in desperate and successful escape when
two Mustang discoverd it and took pursuit.
It wanted to dedicate this scale model to the memory
of my father, deceased months back. I hope that, wherever he is, he feels
proud and it admires it. Papa, for you this is dedicated.
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Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2003
by Francisco Carlos Soldán Alfaro
Page Created 18 November, 2003
Last Updated
17 March, 2004
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